Donations can be mailed to:
Garrison's Landing Association
PO Box 205
Garrison, NY 10524
Shares of stock can also be donated and arrangements can be made with Mr. Nat Prentice of Altium Wealth Management. (914) 298-2412
Garrison's Landing Association is a non-profit 501c3 organization.
All contributions are tax deductible.

Your donation will help bring a new community gathering spot to Garrison’s Landing
In 1962, a group of Garrison residents came together to improve and preserve the land and buildings on Garrison’s Landing for the use and benefit of their community. They formed two organizations, The Garrison’s Landing Association and Garrison Station Plaza, which together succeeded in restoring the charm of the Landing. We are all beneficiaries of their success.
We expect this community amenity will further enhance the enjoyment of the Landing and also benefit residents, visitors to the Depot Theatre, the Garrison Art Center and the Garrison Yacht Club. The effort is also a response to the many residents who have expressed their desire and commitment to realizing this objective.
The restoration of Number 7 is an ambitious undertaking and necessitates a major capital drive to support the restoration and renovation of this historic building. Our goal is to raise $750,000 – a good portion of which has already been committed from local citizens as well as pledges from all board members of both Garrison’s Landing Association and Garrison Station Plaza.
But we need your help to cross the finish line and reach our goal. Garrison’s Landing Association, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, asks that you consider making a fully tax-deductible donation to help turn Number 7 into a place our community can, once again, enjoy together.
Once our fundraising goal is met, we will begin work restoring the building – which we anticipate to be this spring, 2017.